Holism & Holistic philosophies shared here. Finding health and joy via energetic, alternative, natural, ancient, & spiritual ways. We heal using ALL ways because Omniscience is LIMITLESS!

It’s ALL your choiceeveryday. To feel better or worse. 

Each living thing is a fractal of Omniscience. Science is the systematic observation, documenting, testing, and repeating the observations and tests until patterns emerge. Observing nature is a science. Spirals are found in nature. We can milk the energy and wisdom from nature and learn how to change ourselves for the better. It is possible. And Sheila is here to show you. To walk with you. And encourage you–not fix you. Only you can choose when or if to change.

Embrace the power within yourself.

Balance and center yourself best you can before sharing your Energy with others. Connection is best achieved when both parties give and receive in a reciprocal way that benefits both.

When you over-give, especially to someone whom you perceive as having more authority, credentials, education, or knowledge than you, it can deplete your Energy.

I am here to remind you to live a wholly vibrant life. You may need to take back your power–thus, the original name for this site: Take It Upon Yourself.

The following quote illustrates a foundational point. Author and speaker, Byron Katie:

“Placing the blame or judgment on someone else leaves you powerless to change your experience; taking responsibility for your beliefs and judgments gives you the power to change them.”

Growing into the best version of yourself

Take it upon yourself to BE the best version of YOU. Who you were born to be. The whole of yourself that’s in alignment with your Soul. I preach that a lot. But how?


How can you “love thy neighbor as yourself,” if you don’t know how to love yourself?

Let’s help each other learn and practice, shall we?

It is possible to live a healthy, active, vibrant, energetic, joyful and HAPPY life! Can you FEEL it?

If not, find a way to get to the next best feeling thought. Sheila shares this approach in Integrating the Spirals.

What’s in it for you?

Abundant health, vitality, ease, and to experience a whole new life. A wholly vibrant life!

You only need some time and willingness to learn a few new things and integrate the changes that most resonate (and feel good to you) into your routine. Using our approaches it can be far easier than you may think to implement lifestyle changes and improve your health and life.

We can help you integrate tips, methods, and educational stuff you have laying around or tucked away because you are waiting for your retirement years to try it. And then, the books you haven’t read yet, or programs you never completed can be given away! You won’t believe how much FREEDOM you’ll feel when you get to that point!

When you’re happy and healthy, you can give more to others.


Sheila’s Expanding Consciousness Course, Integrating the Spirals is on YouTube!

Sheila offers a 4-week course, intially offering it in 2020-2021, now presented FREE on YouTube!

Session 1:


Session 2:


Session 3:


Session 4:


If you work through these four sessions and would like to work with Sheila individually, she offers the following classes via Zoom:

Classes taught

Wholly Vibrant Living

YOU know your body better than any doctor ever could, as you’ve been living in it all of your life. We are cheering you on to true health freedom and vitality!

The more fine tuning we do to think and feel better thoughts, accepting responsibility for our own health and well-being, the quicker each of us will ease into a richer, more gracious life!

Readers of Take It Upon Yourself to Live a Wholly Vibrant Life, knows Sheila always encourages you to be your own health advocate.

Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally

Sheila updated and renamed her 2018 holistic health book as, Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally. This book is now available on Kindle Unlimited, Kindle, and paperback.

It IS Science! Mind-Body Science.

Radio Frequencies

The placebo effect is the mainstream scientific proof of the direct correlation and Connection between the mind and body!

There need be no argument. And just like radio waves are invisible, there’s a whole LOT of frequency information around us (all the time) that we can’t see.

Evolving science has proven what prophets and sages have written about for centuries!

Of course you can decide which Science you want to follow (yes, there’s more than one school of thought).

Are you stressed???

Stress is the body’s reaction to thoughts you are thinking. Before you sense a feeling of stress, your body has been tuning its cells to your environment, similar to how you tune to an invisible radio signal.

When a “bug” (virus, bacteria, or fungus) comes along, your body reacts to it. If your immune system is tired and compromised from stress, your cells aren’t strong enough to fight the invading contaminant.

No worries. I’m here to help with lots of resources!

Change your Mind

Sadness, anger, resentment, fear, and depression impact health.

Negative emotions, in short bursts, can be used to prompt us to action and turn us to what’s best for us.

Negativity weakens the immune system if we remain in an unbalanced state for a prolonged period of time.

The grand news is:

ALL of us have the POWER to CHOOSE!

Breathe… Allow your mind to “go with the flowin the moment before stress weakens the body systems.

Text image

The impact of One on ALL

When you accept responsibility for your health and well-being, it affects us ALL.

Thank you for taking personal responsibility for your SELF!

Medications only treat symptoms. It IS possible to naturally reverse many chronic diseases in the body!

Let go of what doesn’t serve and pick up new thoughts and habits that enable you to better serve yourself and others.

Here’s a morning meditation: https://youtu.be/007ovoUowUQ

Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection

Sheila’s metaphysical book, Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messagesof Connection is available on Kindle Unlimited, Kindle, and paperback!


Readers of Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messagesof Connection are using it as a reference book for understanding frequency, vibration, energy, unbounded connection, limitless and timeless love, and much more!

Poem and what I teach


That lonely feeling can hurt. Research shows humans live longer and healthier lives when they are part of a group. A hug a day will do more than keep the doctor away.

Studying ALL ways, scientifically and more, how We Are All Connected.

Here are links to recommended experts, schools, and stores (in alphabetical order).

Ego is Me, Soul is We!

Love Transforms and Energy Connects.❤️🦋🌀🙏


Minister & Spiritual Advisor, Personal Confidante, and Holistic Health Advocate, Sheila Murrey is a self-help, personal empowerment author, blogger, singer, and speaker. She passionately researches (from master teachers), experiments with, and shares ALL things holistic (pertaining to “whole,” “holy,” and “holism”) with focus on Connecting one’s Soul with Spirit, Mind, and Body.

Fractal of Omniscience - Spiral Sister - Perceiver of Energy and Wisdom from Nature

And learn more on these pages, About Sheila and Sheila’s holistic resume.

Sheila integrates and shares holistic, natural, and alternative health flows from honoring: We Are All Connected

Story about We Are All Connected: https://youtu.be/_ttVo3rI_i8

Have you picked up any fresh and helpful ideas from this site??? Flow energy to: https://www.paypal.me/SheilaMurrey

Flow with Sheila & Richard


For mindfulness-based approaches, introspection, forgiveness, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT / “Tapping”) to reduce stress: We Are All Connected.

Are you on Twitter? Follow me: @SpiralSister1

©2013-2024 Take It Upon Yourself & Integrating Spirals – Sheila Murrey